
Just a little update

After five rolls of film I have decided to give Snapfish the heave-ho as far as film processing goes.

For experimentation's sake I took a roll to the local camera store (Monells in Newburgh) and had them develop and print it.

The difference was mind blowing.

Snapfish's work looks dull, flat, and lifeless when compared to work done by a place that actually seems to know what they are doing. Also, Snapfish managed to badly scratch three out of five sets of negatives...twice doing so to pictures that might have been very nice otherwise. That shit pisses me off.

Soooo....if either one of you had any desire to start using film again, learn from my experience and avoid Snapfish at all costs.


I made me a picture.

So....I developed my first two rolls of film today.

It's surprisingly easy. I used to help my dad in the darkroom when I was just a wee lad so I sort of knew what to expect and wasn't suprised at the stank-ass odor of the chemicals. Of course color chemicals are 100 times worse and when I worked in the camera shop I made the mistake of sniffing a bottle of something or other and spent the next 10 minutes choking and wiping the discharge from every mucous membrane in my head off of my face.

Ok, enough about that.

Here is one of the pics...shot on Fomapan 100 with my now broken Pentax ME. I scanned one roll and I learned how to remove the funky purple cast the pics in my last post had by using some photo editing software.

Long live film.

(This is a shot of the Nashville Parthenon, by the way)


Some early attempts

Ok, just got back from Nashville, TN.

I was looking forward to shooting a butt load of pics on this trip but my camera broke on Monday right after I shot two rolls of black and white film. I did procure a back up camera of sorts and shot a roll of color film on it...that will get sent off to Snapfish today.

I will attempt to develop the two rolls of black and white myself and then scan the negatives.

In the meantime, here are some shots from the September Brimfield Antiques Show....I scanned these on Sunday.

Click image for full size

I need to tweak the scanner settings a bit, but I think they're ok for a first try.

We'll see how the developing goes.

Stay tuned for medium format pics as well.