I'm no writer.
I have not let this stop me from starting this blog and, more excitingly, developing a love affair with those little black notebooks from Italy. I have several of them and use them for any number of notebook related tasks ranging from logging my horse playing activities to sketching ideas for the woodland cabin/yurt/lean-to I am never going to build.
I have even taken to carrying one in my pocket at all times so I can jot down super awesome blog ideas as they occur to me since I never seem to remember those incredible brainstorms that arrive on angels' wings, take up residence in my brain for about 5.4 seconds, and then disappear forever. I figured being armed with my favo notebook and a pen would help capture these nuggets and turn me into Mr. Most Interesting Blogger Guy Ever.
So far having a Moleskine in my pocket has accomplished nothing, except to ensure that these wonderful ideas never arrive in the first place.
I guess they're like Santa.....if you're looking for them they'll never come.
This does not mean my notebook is blank though.
Oh no.
I found this little gem in there today and decided to share:
"Cut one leg off- College Inn"
I don't need to tell you I immediately grabbed my pen and wrote a big giant "WTF???" next to that one.
After flipping past a recipe, phone numbers, and some crap from work I found another one:
"What did Jabba The Hutt see in Leia?"
Now that one I can understand.
Sure Leia drove millions of human Star Wars dorks insane with her space bikini and the fact that she was chained down probably drove the sweaty little future Flash developers insane, but how was she hot to a dude who's species was basically a mound of reptilian fat?
Did he think he was going to bang her or something?
I would imagine he would find a female Hutt more attractive.
Somebody might be able to do something with that.
The rest of the notebook is filled with banality, but at least I used it to write down a pretty good recipe for skirt steak that I created one boredom filled Sunday afternoon.
I guess my Moleskine has proven useful....despite its incredible inspiration killing powers.
17 hours ago