This show has become my newest guilty pleasure. I am sure I am not alone in my love of the "Stranded on a desert island" story. I have been a fan ever since I read Robinson Crusoe as a kid and I think the initial success of the show Survivor proves this fact. I have always wondered how I would fare if left to my own devices on a tropical island capable of sustaining a hardy adventurer. Of course, in the book, Robinson worked for years to build his island fortress and recreate some of the creature comforts of home using what little he could salvage from his wrecked ship. On the show, it seems the ship blew apart in a storm, flew through the air, and landed in a tree in the form of the Westin Kalawani Hills Hawaiian Tree House Resort ( I made that up). Before Robin and his pal Friday moved in, MacGyver paid a visit to the tree house and rigged up just about every contraption he could think of to make The Rob-Man's home more comfortable and defensible. It's pretty sweet......every show begins with the boys lounging in their hammocks discussing philosophy, religion, or Olde England, and just waiting around for something to happen. Fortunately for the viewer, something invariably does. Most weeks the adventure involves mutineers who have camped on the island, Spanish soldiers, or on really special shows, the cannibal tribe from whose treacherous clutches Robin saved Friday. These cannibal dudes are my favorite characters on the show. Ably portrayed by what look like members of the horror metal band GWAR the cannibals never cease to provide a few laughs as they snort and scream their way through 40 some minutes of suitable for TV action. No actual flesh has been eaten, thanks to Rob and Fri. At least not yet.
If you have never seen the show and have not picked up on what I am hinting at here, I'll spell it out for you: The show is bad. Incredibly horribly bad. It is the most contrived and clunky piece of tripe a major network has foisted upon us in years.
Guess what though.....IT'S STILL GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!!!!!
I grew up watching CHiPs and The Love Boat, dude.
Shit TV is in my blood, man and Crusoe is just the shit I need right now.
No long story arcs, no intense and compelling dialog, no flawed but loveable characters.
Nothing but production values and a problem that is solved by show's end.
That's how TV used to be and I'm glad there's something like this still around.
It will probably be canceled any minute now.
11 hours ago