
"Rice and Vermicelli mixture"

Yeah, that's what it used to say on the Rice-a-Roni box.

Seems to me like it should have been called Rice-a-Celli. Well...maybe not...that shit doesn't flow.

I just ate some of this stuff the other night (beef flavor) and Goddammit do I ever love it.

Always have.

With all the negative publicity and health warnings surrounding convenient dried crap like Rice-a-Roni I find myself eating much less of the old beef flavored ambrosia then I used to. This is probably a good thing because I have no doubt in my mind that it was just this kind of delicious over processed starchy shit that gave me a mild case of The Sweet Blood.

Damn you, Giant Industrial Food Conglomerates.....damn you to hell!

Plowing down a nice sized helping of the stuff got me thinking though.

I've spent a good deal of time in San Francisco.

I lived there 6 months and have been back on several occasions and not once during that time did I ever see a plate of Rice-a-Roni or even hear the name of the product spoken.


There I was in what Television led me to believe was Rice-a-Roni's birthplace (Heaven, if you will) and I was not getting my fair share of Domenico (a.k.a. Charlie) DeDomenico's wonderful creation.

This was perplexing indeed.

Perplexing until the other night when I had an epiphany.

Yes Rice-a-Roni has been inextricably tied to San Francisco, but this association is not without conditions.

You see.....this stuff is the San Francisco Treat.

You gotta earn it, baby!

At no time during any of my stays in The Bay Area did I perform deeds or actions virtuous enough to earn myself a mouth watering plate of rice and macaroni steamed in chicken soup mix.

I just didn't get it.

I do now.

You had better believe that the next time I visit San Fran, I will be on my best behavior.

I'm going to be tossing bums five dollar bills, helping old ladies cross the street, giving blood every day, fighting crime, saying please and thank you, and just generally being an all around good guy. No......make that excellent guy.

I am going to make it fucking impossible for those smug-ass side dish withholding San Francisco mother rapers to deny me my fair share of delicious carbs. They'll probably be inviting me into their homes for big steaming piles of the stuff. They might even be so impressed they'll bust out the new Fried Rice Flavor for me to try.

Oh yeah.....I have their number now.

The Rice and Vermicelli mixture is so mine.

I could also just pick up a box at Hannaford's too. I might do that instead.


Talk about miffed!

I love horse racing.

I could go on and on about the reasons why.

Sure, racing's popularity is at an ebb these days, and bad publicity following the filly Eight Belles' death in the Kentucky Derby has done much to damage its reputation, but there are still hard core racing fans out there and I am proud to count myself among them.

From the atmosphere at the track to the beauty of the animals themselves, I find a lot to like as a "sports fan" and spectator.

There is something supremely relaxing about sitting in the stands and enjoying a beautiful day or taking a walk to the paddock to watch the horses being saddled and guided around the walking ring.

These tranquil interludes are broken up by two minute periods of furious action and excitement as the actual races are run.

Sure the races are fun to watch and there are few summer experiences that can top a day at the track, but the excitement is greatly increased when you've risked a little money and this leads to the true reason I find horse racing so compelling.

Racing is not just a sport, but it is also game. A game that takes knowledge and skill to play well and a game that rewards hard work and diligence with more than one kind of satisfaction.....the satisfaction of financial gain and, perhaps more importantly, the satisfaction of being right.

This takes you beyond a mere spectator and turns you into someone who has an actual stake in the outcome of each event.

Unlike most other forms of gambling, you are not playing against the "house" when you bet the races. You are playing against the other fans who are there with you (and others around the country). The track has no interest in weather you win or lose, only that you bet. Thus, there is no house advantage and by increasing your skill you can gain your own advantage over the people you play against.

Sure there are many people that go to the track for the day and bet on horses that carry their lucky number or favorite color, but for the serious player the real work takes place before he or she ever sets foot in the grandstand. Work that leads to an advantage over the casual or unskilled player.

Horse racing may be more glamorous in England, and Japanese race horses may be household names, but no horse player in the world is provided with anything near the sheer volume of useful data about upcoming and past races that the American fan has access to.

Each horse is judiciously watched and timed when it is working out and when it is racing and this data is used to create the myriad of times, speed figures, and pace numbers that are printed in the Daily Racing Form (and elsewhere) and are used by the prospective players to handicap the upcoming race. In other words, make an educated guess as to the outcome and then wager accordingly. The idea being that horses are quite literally creatures of habit and are wont to perform repetitive tasks the same way they have in the past. Studying what the horse has done previously can lead you to a reasonable expectation of what he will do in the future. You may have heard the story about the horse who could take his master home after he passed out drunk in town. Same idea.

Here's some old bastard with his copy of the form:

Poring over this data and sinking my teeth into the stats the night before a trip to the track is my second favorite thing about playing the races. (The first being when that effort results in me holding a winning ticket).

The thing about this is, other serious players have access to the exact same information I do, and the result of many people backing the same horse is lower odds.

Lower odds mean lower payouts and lower payouts mean you have to win more often to make money.

I hope you didn't get the idea that utilizing this data leads to me being able to pick the winner of every race. I strive for a 40% win rate and in reality, it's at around 20% just about as often as it is 40.

Low payouts and a 20% win rate are a recipe for breaking even at best and more often result in a losing day.

You have probably guessed by now that finding information that other players don't have is a key part of actually making money with your bets and attempting to do just that is what has led to my current state of incredible miffedness.

I mentioned the Eight Belles tragedy at the beginning of this post, and it kind of ties in to my quest for unique info. In the interest of safety and the prevention of just the kind of thing that happened to that great horse, many tracks have installed synthetic racing surfaces in place of their dirt ovals.

Yes...fake dirt. Mostly the surfaces are comprised of sand, wax, rubber chunks, and fibers and they are designed to not only cushion the horses' feet as they run, but drain off water and eliminate the muddy and potentially dangerous conditions brought on by rain and other bad weather.

A noble idea that has yet to bear real data has proven that the synthetic tracks decrease injuries..only that the horses suffer different kinds of injuries when running on them.

The tracks have their supporters and detractors and I constantly vacillate between both camps, but one thing is certain: Some of these tracks play hell with normal handicapping methods. The tried and true rules simply don't apply.

This has led to many people refusing to bet at tracks that have these surfaces installed.

It has also led to many horses winning at very attractive odds.

Thinking about this led me to a brilliant idea.

I would build my own database consisting of the results of every single race run at the last Keeneland meet.

(Keeneland is a track in Kentucky that only runs for two weeks at a time and features one of the most inscrutable synthetic surfaces in horse racing.)

This incredible database would lead me to insights not available to my opponents and allow me to destroy them at the next meet.

I was going to be rich!!!! Well, maybe I could win a couple hundred bucks anyway.

I set to work.

I downloaded the result charts of every single race, I designed and built an Access database that would contain every relevant bit of info I could glean.

Running times, fractions, sires, dams, trainers, jockeys, early pace, late pace, speed!!!

Oh it was a thing to behold!

I spent hours entering the data from the charts into the database. It was tedious work but I was buoyed by the prospect of the huge payoff my efforts would earn.
The summer wore on and every day brought me closer to the opening of the fall Keeneland meet and the vicious attack I would launch from my online betting account.

Then one day I looked at their website.

Keeneland, who as a track has no interest in weather I win or lose...just that I bet.....MADE A DATABASE AVAILABLE ON THEIR SITE THAT COMPILES RACING DATA FROM EVERY RACE SINCE 2006!!

Motherfuckers fucked me.

So, everyone who takes the time to look on their site will have access to a database just like mine. Only bigger.

I think I'll play Santa Anita instead.


Finally....a bail out for the rest of us.

Just go here and sell your bad assets to the US government.

I can't tell you how good it's going to feel when I finally unload Mama's Family: The Entire First Season on Beta that I bought during a night of drunken eBaying.

Estimated vaulue: $56,000.


On Food

Ok, I am going to take a break from the low rent Dave Barry thing and do a post about food....well restaurants actually...and it might turn into a rant.

Maybe not though. Read on!

Orange County(NY) may not be a restaurant Mecca like NYC but there are a few things we have here that are pretty special and may be taken for granted by people who have never left the beautiful haven of Southeastern New York to take up residence in food poor areas of the country. The most prominent thing, in my mind, is the abundance of pizza joints. They're everywhere. Some are great, some are the kind of places where you just know the pizza guy took a dump, walked right past the bathroom sink, and sunk his hands straight into your large sausage with mushrooms. For the most part though, you can walk into any pizza place in Orange County (well, maybe even the whole Northeast) and be assured that you will be eating something that at least resembles what real pizza should be. Invariably, along side this pizza will be the ruling triumvirate of the hot sandwich kingdom: Chicken Parmesan, Meatball Parmesan, and Sausage and Peppers. Always there, always reliable, and always ready in about 10 minutes.

This doesn't happen everywhere.

There are large swaths of territory in this country where the pizza joint is either non-existent or a stygian torture chamber where dough goes to die. You can't wake up after happy hour in Northern California, grab the phone in that semi-drunk semi-hungover stupor, and order up a hot meatball sandwich. Ditto for anywhere south of the I-Hop/Waffle House line and anywhere in the Southwest. I must admit that my experience in the Midwest has been limited to Chicago and their incredibly silly (but delicious) version of "pizza", but just driving through places like Ohio and Indiana left me with a very strong feeling that I was surrounded by people who think Pizza Hut makes the best damn pies in the world. In case you were wondering, we have a name for people like this. They're called "Fucking Idiots" No offense to real pizza loving New York idiots intended.

Of course other areas of the country have their own regional quirks and specialty foods that you can't find around here and the lack of any Thai food in the area is maddening, but good pizza and saucy hot sandwiches are something we should treasure.

Hold on one moment though.

Before you run around slapping all your local pizza dudes on the back and/or offering them oral sex for being so super awesome we need to talk about the downside of this phenomenon.

Specifically, the Italian influence on Orange County fine dining.

There are relatively few establishments in The OC (Yeah, I call it that now) that can claim to be purveyors of fine food and the fine dining experience and with only a few exceptions the bulk of the successful ones feature "Northern Italian" cuisine. Don't get me wrong, I love this kind of food and there is a restaurant in Goshen that deftly serves some of the best Nor-Tal grub I have ever eaten. I am referring to Il Tesoro which not only features fantastic food, but is owned and operated by one of the most capable and professional restaurant people I have encountered anywhere. This is great and I would be happier than Roger Clemens with a 14 year old country singer if this were one of many different kinds of restaurants competing for my fine dining dollar, but the fact remains that for every nice non-Italian restaurant there are two or three places serving the very same kind of food. Sure there have been attempts to open local minds, but most of these maverick establishments fold soon after I discover them and proclaim their magnificence to everyone I know.

Frankly, it's getting boring.

I know it's an uphill battle though. Just listening to people rave about a mediocre place like La Vera Cucina has made me realize that the average local resident is happiest when the comida piled on their plate is not only familiar, but served in great abundance. It seems the only real requirements for satisfaction at this place are that the food be Italian and served in a nice room.

(Forgive me if I seem to be harboring a particular dislike for this restaurant, but I can't stand to hear the constant gushing over a place that not only serves up some of the most uninspired crap in Orange County, but can't even cook a fucking steak. To those of you who would tell me that you don't order steak at an Italian restaurant I would ask that you do two things: 1. Go to Il Tesoro and order the Tuscan Steak. 2. Show proper contrition when you come back and tell me it was one of the best steaks you've ever stuffed in your ignorant gob.)

So much for not ranting.

I know I sound a little bit negative and I realize that what I consider a lack of variety is still better than living in a place that doesn't have any decent restaurants at all (Western Virginia, I'm looking at you), but I refuse to stop imagining a day when there are more than 5 or 6 really nice restaurants in this county that don't all serve the same thing. A really good French restaurant would be an excellent start.

A lot is going to have to change before that ever happens.


In The News

Ok, the news has been pretty bad lately.

Lehman Brothers going under, Merrill Lynch gets bought out by BofA, WaMu looks like they're going down and AIG is in big trouble as well.

Wall Street has been rocked to its very core and the financial landscape may never look the same. Those aren't necessarily my words, but that's what the likes of Bloomberg, CNN, and Reuters have been saying.

It also looks like the government rescue packages made available to Fannie and Freddie (stupid names) will not be offered to Lehman or WaMu and I for one think this is a very good thing.

Whether or not these firms simply aren't well connected enough or have been deemed too small to save it's nice to see the Fed let the market play out like it was meant to and refrain from throwing more taxpayer money at the problem. That would do nothing more than perpetuate the moral hazard that created the credit crisis in the first place.

Of course this does not mean there wont be more money tossed to the auto industry or some other business entity that the government feels we cannot do without, but for now there's a few billion dollars that won't be added to the national deficit.

Not that letting companies die is a good thing. Jobs are at stake. Jobs held by people who had nothing to do with the bad decisions made by upper management. Having once held a job that became a casualty of poor decision making at the top I can unequivocally say that the whole experience sucks a fat dick. I feel for these people.

Yes, it looks bleak, but I am here to tell you in the immortal words of Douglas Adams: Don't Panic.

It's been worse. Heck the early 80's featured the same kind of stagflation and falling real estate values we have today,but with double digit interest rates and even higher unemployment. Things are going to come around again like they always do.

I know that's not cheering you up, but there are actually a few good news items that are sure to do the trick.

1. Sirius Satellite Radio has launched an all AC/DC channel. It's only for a "Limited time" but let's enjoy it while it lasts. No, I don't have Sirius either, but a guy at work does and he's cranking the AC/DC channel all day long. Cool.

2. Palermo thoroughly dominated AS Roma on Saturday. Rome came out, scored early, and made it look like it was going to be a yawner. Palermo refused to roll over and fired back with three goals while making the game the most enjoyable soccer match I have watched this year. I can're smiling already.

3. That new Metallica album is pretty darned good.

4. If you live in the Houston area, you probably have the day off. Go do something fun!

5. A bad economy is good for Obama. I don't know who I am voting for yet, but I am sure that both of the people who read this blog are hardcore dems so.... Yay you!

6. Back to AIG. I hope they pull through this, but I think they are going to need to cut way back to do it. All unnecessary spending must be eliminated, starting with sponsorships. Specifically sports sponsorships. Specifically their sponsorship of The Evil Empire. Yes, I am referring to the agglomeration of vile cunts known to the world as Manchester United. Any development that results in the loss of funds for Sir Alex Fuckerson and his gang of soccer playing doucheballs is great news in my book. Sure they've probably barely even blown through the massive wad of cash they got for winning The Champions League, but still......every little bit counts and in this case we could be talking about 14 million pounds a year.

So buck up, little camper!

Things are pretty sunshiny if you look at them right.


I think I might be ready to forgive Metallica...

Things have been bad between Metallica and me for quite a long time now. In fact, I have a hard time remembering when our time together was truly enjoyable and untainted by bitter regret. When I think back, the days when we would just hang out and enjoy the gifts the Gods of Heavy Metal gave to young men of our generation seem fuzzy in my memory and it's hard to conjure up the feelings in my heart that used to come so freely. It's gotten so bad that even when we find ourselves alone in the car (purely by chance... it's never planned...not any more) I can barely summon the energy to play a little air guitar or play the drum parts on the steering wheel and/or dash board.

What happened?

It wasn't the Napster thing. Sure that whole mess was awful and Metallica were key players in bringing about the end of a truly fun and carefree era. Not to mention the fact that Lars Ulrich proved himself to be one of the most insufferable and humorless pricks to ever draw sweet sweet smoke through a tour bus bong.

No. It wasn't that.

Could it be that I've gotten older?


I've found that despite my advancing age and the widened musical tastes and wisdom that accompany it I am still able to enjoy the cheesiest of cock rock anthems as if they were released only yesterday. Shit, I can even tolerate Bon Jovi in small doses. I still rock out like a god damned moron when I hear a loud guitar.

It isn't me.

So what then?

Oh wait....maybe it's because the last few Metallica albums have profoundly SUCKED.

The Black Album started the downward slide. Being the first Metallica album to fail to improve on the last in any way it was where the cracks in our relationships started to appear. Sure they had lots of new fans and I am sure they enjoyed the hell out of those cheap whores who didn't know Kill 'Em All from a hole in the wall (God that was lame) but I knew right then it would never be the same.

It wasn't.

Load. Reload. Some piece of shit live album that couldn't have been a more obvious attempt to make people pay for songs they already owned twice (Not that most of us weren't vindictively downloading them for free by then) It got so bad that I never even considered listening to St. Anger, the album that was supposed to be the "Return of the real Metallica".

FYI, guys....The real Metallica recorded songs with guitar solos in them.

Don't get me wrong...releasing a few shitty albums is not the kiss of death for your average band, but when said band has raised the bar so high there are expectations put upon them by their fans that must be met. The cardinal expectation being: never change. If you must change, do it gradually and learn from your mistakes. You might even consider listening to your fans. The fact is that you sold yourselves to us a long time ago and we own you forever. The terms of sale require that you deliver the product we want regardless of your personal desires and creative yearnings.'s stifling. We know you're capable of so much more, but we don't care. If it makes you feel better you can become bitter and treat us with seems to work quite well for Pete Townshend.

It looks like the newest release (Due on September 12th) may be indicative of the fact that Metallica is finally starting to miss me. Ditching that shithead Bob Rock was a good start. Adding a badass like Robert Trujillo to the lineup was a sure fire way to get me interested and little bit of Rick Rubin never hurt anyone.

Allowing preview songs to appear on iTunes has also shown their willingness to come to terms with the horrible horrible demon known as digital music. All good signs.

Put them together with some stupid lyrics and over the top guitars and I am yours.

It might be time for me to give a little.

I have been a hard-ass long enough and I think I am going to give Metallica another chance.

Look for me at Best Buy this Saturday standing in line with a shiny new copy of Death Magnetic in my filthy mitts.

Yes....I am actually going to pay for it.


Thai Leader Ousted Over Cooking Show

Yeah, this is a good one:

According to the AP, Samak Sundaravej has been relieved of office by the Thai Parliament for maintaining private employment while in office.

Samak hosted a popular cooking show for 7 years before becoming Prime Minister, but has apparently made a few appearances on the show since taking office and according to the Thai courts, that's good enough to earn you the old heave ho. He claims that he received no payment for the appearances beyond reimbursement for transportation and the food he cooked while on the show.

It looks like he may be back in office any time since his party has vowed to re-nominate him for the post when Parliament votes for a new prime minister sometime in the next few days.

His tenure has been controversial and fraught with intrigue, but what I really want to know about the whole situation is what the hell he cooked.

I love Thai food and would hope it was nothing less than a blisteringly hot green curry filled with perfectly done seafood that did him in. I'd hate to think the dude got axed for making something as boring as Pad Thai or failing to otherwise bring the spice.

Here's hoping you went out in a blaze of glory, my friend.

You've gotta love the Thai people for actually electing the guy. (Possibility of rigged election notwithstanding)

This is the equivalent of The United States electing Emeril Lagasse president.

Just imagine....Emeril In Chief....Kicking the presidency up a notch....

Merely saying the word "Garlic" during the State of The Union address would evoke paroxysms of bi-partisan joy and a five minute standing ovation.

The Democratic rebuttal would always contain the line "I wish those of you watching at home could smell this!"

Cabinet meetings would only take place during the holidays and rotating cabinet posts would be drawn out of a hat: Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of The Interior, etc, etc. Of course they would always find a way to stick that dumb bitch Sandra Lee with nothing more weighty than fun and fruity drinks. President Lagasse will be damned if he's going to let that idiot fuck up Thanksgiving with a boneless turkey loaf.

As you can see above, I have assumed Emeril is a Republican and probably a neo-con. Of course this means that any group or nation that would seek to threaten America's interests will be treated to a little Essence.

No, I don't mean Creole Seasoning.

I mean hot,spicy,delicious death rained down by the highly trained line cooks of the US Air Force....BAM!

Under President Emeril, the aftermath of all M.O.A.B. strikes will be characterized by a smell that kind of reminds you of Old Bay, but with more cayenne. Not so much that it overpowers the delicately scented roasting flesh of our enemies, but enough to give it a little kick. It's really nicely balanced and the secret is that the spices are lightly toasted during the explosion which brings out their natural oils.

I'm not going to get too involved with his elaborate plans to prop up the dollar and fix the US economy, but I will tell you that it involves pork fat, which rules.

Jesus, we would be so screwed.


I'm Hypermiling now.

Yeah.....I know you've probably never heard of it and if you have, what you've heard has most likely been negative. It seems to have been much more positively portrayed under its alternate name of Ecodriving.

Basically, Hypermiling (or Ecodriving) is the act of using simple driving techniques to maximize your gas mileage. The ultimate goal being to exceed your car's EPA estimated fuel economy by as wide a margin as possible.

I first became aware of the practice when reading an article in Mother Jones about Wayne Gerdes, the original and probably the most extreme hypermiler ever . He not only coined the term "Hypermiling" but has spun off numerous terms, acronyms, and abbreviations that have become the jargon of its fans. This led me to his site: and then to engaging in the practice myself. I am not as fanatical as some of the people you'll learn about if you follow the link, but I am definitely making progress.

Wayne started doing this not long after 9/11 with the idea of keeping as much money out of foreign oil merchants' hands as he possibly could. His rationale: Big oil led to big construction in Saudi Arabia and then to big money in the pockets of the Bin Laden family. This coupled with the reduction is greenhouse emissions are his main reasons for starting this movement.

Ok, sounds great on the surface, but I am more interested in big money in the pockets of Chris Canzoneri. You see...I am not green. I couldn't care less about Global Warming and do not pray at the alter of the New Environmentalist Church. The fact that I engage in many green behaviors is motivated solely by my desire to save money. Compact florescent light bulbs, new windows, attic sealer, programmable thermostat, etc. All done to put more of the other kind of green to better use. I admit that I don't let that stop me from advocating energy conservation and cleaner living for everyone, but the fact is if some whack-ass endangered species gets up in my face he's going down. Spotted Owl or no, you come in my territory, you're getting a cap popped in your feathery ass.

Just kidding.

I'd never shoot an animal because if the bullet were to pass through its body and land in protected wetlands the lead could seep into the ground water.

Anyhoo, I did want to comment on the whole Ecodriving vs. Hypermiling thing.

Hypermiling has been condemned by Triple A and most blogs and websites where it is mentioned include at least one or two comments about its danger and/or silliness.

Ecodriving, on the other hand, has actually been endorsed by the state of California and even has a super slick website developed by The Alliance of Automobile Manufactures. Check it out.

I can't help but think the connotations of the prefixes "Eco" and "Hyper" are part of the reason.

Lately, all things "Eco" are good. "Eco"-Tourism, "Eco"-Living, Umberto "Eco", the "Eco"nomy...ok scratch that last one.

In contrast, "Hyper" is almost never good unless you're going into "Hyper" space and for all we know that shit isn't even real.

"Eco" good.
"Hyper" bad.

From now on I am Ecomiling.


Small Town Girl

What is this crap I keep reading about Sarah Palin's small town values and "Regular folks" type charm? Are we really supposed to believe that people who grow up in smaller municipalities are served up an extra helping of integrity that those crafty-assed city slickers miss out on? I was born in a small town and I live in a small town. I'll probably die...never mind. The point is that, in my experience, small town folk can be just as scummy as any city bred huckster. The mere fact that your town has one traffic light does not magically imbue you with some sort of benevolent wisdom and unimpeachable moral character. Frankly, the fact that she was willing to blatantly lie in her speech last night (Which I didn't watch...I know....BAD VOTER) pretty much exemplifies that very fact. I am referring to the Bridge To Nowhere. Apparently she was for it before she was against it. Add that to her claims that she stood up to special interests when in fact as both mayor and governor she chased more pork than a horny boar and you have someone that sounds pretty much like a typical politician.

I am fully aware of the fact that anyone seeking high public office in this country is going to have to make a few thousand moral compromises, but acting like her hick roots are going to strengthen her resistance to this giant sell-out is just plain stupid. She's going to play the game just like everyone else.

As for her being just a regular hard working American just like the rest of us regular hard working Americans?

Don't care.

That whole thing smacks of the "I'm going to vote for Obama just because he looks like me" crap some of the most ignorant rightys love to sling at African Americans.

If it is at all possible that you are going to be the leader of my nation and you're just a regular guy (or womyn) like me, you're not getting my vote.

Call me crazy, but I want the leader of this country to be exceptional. I'm talking about a truly awesome individual. Hyper-intelligent, Hyper-organized, and if possible...good at at least one of these three things:

1. Sports
2. Scoring with chicks
3. The Saxophone

No president has ever bagged the hat trick on this one, but I refuse to stop dreaming.

Let the small town schleps run for mayor.


I have a problem with fortune cookies.

I eat way more Chinese food than I should and as a result I find myself reading a large number of little white pieces of paper that I’ve plucked from the depths of their vaguely vanilla scented folds. Most of the time I forget what I’ve read almost immediately, but today I noticed something that made me recall many of the fortunes I’ve read in the past and something that many of them have in common. No, I didn’t learn the final word that led me to mastery of the Chinese language. (By the way, I am sure that if I had and traveled to China armed with this skill I would have ended up learning Mandarin when I needed to know Cantonese or vice/versa) What I noticed was that these days very few of them are “fortunes”.

Call me a traditionalist, but I want that damned cookie to tell me my destiny.

Not that all non-prognosticatory cookies are bad. I usually enjoy the ones that contain nuggets of “Ancient Chinese Wisdom” (“The axe soon forgets, but the tree always remembers” is one of my favorites) but that is about the limit of my fortuneless cookie love.

From here we enter the realm of the cookies that attempt to do two different things.

1. Give you advice

2. Teach you something about your nature.

Listen, cookie….I am a grown-ass man. I know right from wrong. Quit trying to get up in my grill and tell me what to do.

When I need advice I’ll ask for it and you can be damned sure I won’t be seeking it from a Chinese cookie that’s too freakin’ bland for its own good.

You also need to keep your baseless and inaccurate judgments about my life, work, and family to yourself.

You don’t know me, bitch.

Well, ok…you totally called it that one time you said I love Chinese food, but that’s it….you’re batting like .023 ...big whoop.

Stick to the whole “Opportunity will soon knock. When it does, answer the door!” type thing and we’ll be cool again….in bed.

Perry Bible Fellowship

I love this strip.

Too bad it will never be seen in our local paper.

More here.

RIP Jerry Reed

Jerry Reed passed away on Aug. 31st.

This quote says it all:

"Let me say this firmly, with no room for quibbles or dissent: Jerry Reed is the coolest motherfucker who ever walked the planet. You think he's just a goofball who recorded some novelty records and drove a truck in Smokey and the Bandit? Then listen to the way he performs each song: He's always an actor as well as a singer, not to mention a dynamo guitarist. Listen to the way he jumps easily from country to blues to swampy funk-rock, from funny tall tales to love songs to political numbers so witty you almost forget he's making a point. Listen to that LAUGH, son. Jerry Reed kicks ass."


Is This a Gen Y Thing?

Ok, I bought a new car last week and absolutely love the thing.

I know I'm still basking in the glow, but so far I really have no complaints ...knock on wood.

During my exhaustive pre-purchase research (It's a Saturn Astra by the way) I kept reading that the lack of an auxiliary input on the stereo was one of the car's most glaring defects.

I read this repeatedly in the automotive press and chalked it up to the reviewers' need to find something negative about a car they wanted to dislike going in, but further reading in internet forums revealed that many people consider this a deal breaker.

The vehemence of some folks was downright surprising.

Many flatly stated that they would never buy a car that didn't have one and it was clear that the majority of these Anti-Saturnites were under age 30.

Now I am not an old fart, I have owned an iPod since they came out and have even used one in the car with a cassette deck adapter.

It's cool but I have always hated the inelegance of a wire coming out of the dash and the iPod sitting in the cup holder.

The presence of an aux input would do nothing to alleviate that particular situation.

The stereo in the car will read MP3 discs however, and to me, burning several of them would not only allow you to transport nearly as much music as your iPod, but leave you with a much neater driving environment. You can even navigate through the menus using the steering wheel controls in the car. Much safer than looking down at the iPod you just fished out of the center console.

This puts the aux jack in the "Nice to have but not necessary" category for me.

Is today's average Gen Y'er so addicted to his or her MP3 player that they are unable to drive a car without using it?

Is today's average Gen Y'er too lazy to take the time to think the situation through and do a little bit of work to remedy the problem? Especially when it might mean they get the car that might meet the rest of their needs splendidly?

At the risk of sounding like an old fart, I'm going to say yes.

I'm pretty sure I dislike blogs

Generally, I am of the opinion that they are nothing more than a vanity press for those who mistakenly feel they actually have something to say that is not only worth reading, but worth being read by large numbers of people who are neither friends or family.

Sure blogs are great for keeping up with family, sharing pictures, etc...but I find that most journeys taken off the Big Time Blog Highway end on dusty roads full of overblown prose, silly opinions, and shitty metaphors.

(Notice I said "most" not "all". If you are reading this and happen to be someone I know, rest assured that I think your Blog is awesome. Really...I love it.)

Despite my disdain for most things bloggish, I find that my natural curiosity about things I dislike has led me past intrigue and straight to the point where I want in on the action.

After all, I have a buttload of silly opinions about a variety of subjects and can bust out a shitty metaphor with the best of them.

I'll leave the overblown prose to the experts.

Most of the time.