What is this crap I keep reading about Sarah Palin's small town values and "Regular folks" type charm? Are we really supposed to believe that people who grow up in smaller municipalities are served up an extra helping of integrity that those crafty-assed city slickers miss out on? I was born in a small town and I live in a small town. I'll probably die...never mind. The point is that, in my experience, small town folk can be just as scummy as any city bred huckster. The mere fact that your town has one traffic light does not magically imbue you with some sort of benevolent wisdom and unimpeachable moral character. Frankly, the fact that she was willing to blatantly lie in her speech last night (Which I didn't watch...I know....BAD VOTER) pretty much exemplifies that very fact. I am referring to the Bridge To Nowhere. Apparently she was for it before she was against it. Add that to her claims that she stood up to special interests when in fact as both mayor and governor she chased more pork than a horny boar and you have someone that sounds pretty much like a typical politician.
I am fully aware of the fact that anyone seeking high public office in this country is going to have to make a few thousand moral compromises, but acting like her hick roots are going to strengthen her resistance to this giant sell-out is just plain stupid. She's going to play the game just like everyone else.
As for her being just a regular hard working American just like the rest of us regular hard working Americans?
Don't care.
That whole thing smacks of the "I'm going to vote for Obama just because he looks like me" crap some of the most ignorant rightys love to sling at African Americans.
If it is at all possible that you are going to be the leader of my nation and you're just a regular guy (or womyn) like me, you're not getting my vote.
Call me crazy, but I want the leader of this country to be exceptional. I'm talking about a truly awesome individual. Hyper-intelligent, Hyper-organized, and if possible...good at at least one of these three things:
1. Sports
2. Scoring with chicks
3. The Saxophone
No president has ever bagged the hat trick on this one, but I refuse to stop dreaming.
Let the small town schleps run for mayor.
2 days ago