Yeah, this is a good one:
According to the AP, Samak Sundaravej has been relieved of office by the Thai Parliament for maintaining private employment while in office.
Samak hosted a popular cooking show for 7 years before becoming Prime Minister, but has apparently made a few appearances on the show since taking office and according to the Thai courts, that's good enough to earn you the old heave ho. He claims that he received no payment for the appearances beyond reimbursement for transportation and the food he cooked while on the show.
It looks like he may be back in office any time since his party has vowed to re-nominate him for the post when Parliament votes for a new prime minister sometime in the next few days.
His tenure has been controversial and fraught with intrigue, but what I really want to know about the whole situation is what the hell he cooked.
I love Thai food and would hope it was nothing less than a blisteringly hot green curry filled with perfectly done seafood that did him in. I'd hate to think the dude got axed for making something as boring as Pad Thai or failing to otherwise bring the spice.
Here's hoping you went out in a blaze of glory, my friend.
You've gotta love the Thai people for actually electing the guy. (Possibility of rigged election notwithstanding)
This is the equivalent of The United States electing Emeril Lagasse president.
Just imagine....Emeril In Chief....Kicking the presidency up a notch....
Merely saying the word "Garlic" during the State of The Union address would evoke paroxysms of bi-partisan joy and a five minute standing ovation.
The Democratic rebuttal would always contain the line "I wish those of you watching at home could smell this!"
Cabinet meetings would only take place during the holidays and rotating cabinet posts would be drawn out of a hat: Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of The Interior, etc, etc. Of course they would always find a way to stick that dumb bitch Sandra Lee with nothing more weighty than fun and fruity drinks. President Lagasse will be damned if he's going to let that idiot fuck up Thanksgiving with a boneless turkey loaf.
As you can see above, I have assumed Emeril is a Republican and probably a neo-con. Of course this means that any group or nation that would seek to threaten America's interests will be treated to a little Essence.
No, I don't mean Creole Seasoning.
I mean hot,spicy,delicious death rained down by the highly trained line cooks of the US Air Force....BAM!
Under President Emeril, the aftermath of all M.O.A.B. strikes will be characterized by a smell that kind of reminds you of Old Bay, but with more cayenne. Not so much that it overpowers the delicately scented roasting flesh of our enemies, but enough to give it a little kick. It's really nicely balanced and the secret is that the spices are lightly toasted during the explosion which brings out their natural oils.
I'm not going to get too involved with his elaborate plans to prop up the dollar and fix the US economy, but I will tell you that it involves pork fat, which rules.
Jesus, we would be so screwed.
2 days ago